Module cargo::ops

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Core of cargo-add command

Implementation of cargo config subcommand.

Implementation of cargo tree.


Contains information about how a package should be compiled.

Strongly typed options for the cargo doc command.

This is the structure that is serialized and displayed to the user.

Result for resolve_ws_with_opts.


Registry settings loaded from config files.


Read the paths configuration variable to discover all path overrides that have been configured.

Cleans the package’s build artifacts.

Like compile but allows specifying a custom Executor that will be able to intercept build calls and add custom logic. compile uses DefaultExecutor which just passes calls through.

Configure a libcurl http handle with the defaults options for Cargo

Main method for cargo doc.

Executes cargo fetch.

Entry point for cargo running as a proxy for rustc.

Creates a new HTTP handle with appropriate global configuration for cargo.

Display a list of installed binaries.

Loads the manifest, resolves the dependencies of the package to the concrete used versions - considering overrides - and writes all dependencies in a JSON format to stdout.

Returns the index and token from the config file for the given registry.

Gets all of the features enabled for a package, plus its dependencies’ features.

Generate a toml String of Cargo.lock from a Resolve.

Resolves all dependencies for a package using an optional previous instance. of resolve to guide the resolution process.

Resolves all dependencies for the workspace using the previous lock file as a guide if present.

Resolves dependencies for some packages of the workspace, taking into account paths overrides and activated features.