Module diesel::dsl

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Includes various helper types and bare functions which are named too generically to be included in prelude, but are often used when using Diesel.


Represents the SQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP constant. This is equivalent to the NOW() function on backends that support it.
Represents the SQL CURRENT_DATE constant.


Represents a SQL AVG function. This function can only take types which are Foldable.
Creates a SQL COUNT expression
Creates a SQL COUNT(DISTINCT ...) expression
Creates a SQL COUNT(*) expression
Represents the SQL DATE function. The argument should be a Timestamp expression, and the return value will be an expression of type Date.
Creates a DELETE statement.
Creates a SQL EXISTS expression.
Creates an INSERT statement for the target table.
Creates an INSERT [OR] IGNORE statement.
Represents a SQL MAX function. This function can only take types which are ordered.
Represents a SQL MIN function. This function can only take types which are ordered.
Creates a SQL NOT expression
Creates a REPLACE statement.
Creates a bare select statement, with no from clause. Primarily used for testing diesel itself, but likely useful for third party crates as well. The given expressions must be selectable from anywhere.
Use literal SQL in the query builder.
Construct a full SQL query using raw SQL.
Represents a SQL SUM function. This function can only take types which are Foldable.
Creates an UPDATE statement.

Type Definitions

Maps F to Alias<S>
The return type of lhs.and(rhs)
The type of Item when converted to an expression with the same type as TargetExpr
The type of Item when converted to an expression of Type
Represents the return type of .as_select()
The return type of expr.asc()
Represents the return type of diesel::select(selection)
The return type of lhs.concat(rhs)
The return type of expr.desc()
Represents the return type of .distinct()
The return type of lhs.eq(rhs)
The return type of lhs.eq_any(rhs)
The return type of lhs.escape('x')
Represents the return type of .except(rhs)
Represents the return type of .except_all(rhs)
Represents the return type of .filter(predicate)
Represents the return type of .find(pk)
Represents the return type of .filter(lhs.eq(rhs))
Represents the return type of .for_key_share()
Represents the return type of .for_no_key_update()
Represents the return type of .for_share()
Represents the return type of .for_update()
Represents the return type of .group_by(expr)
The return type of
The return type of
Represents the return type of .having(predicate)
Represents the return type of .inner_join(rhs)
Represents the return type of .inner_join(rhs.on(on))
A query source representing the inner join between two tables. For example, for the inner join between three tables that implement JoinTo: InnerJoinQuerySource<InnerJoinQuerySource<table1, table2>, table3> Which conveniently lets you omit the exact join condition.
Represents the return type of .intersect(rhs)
Represents the return type of .intersect_all(rhs)
Represents the return type of .into_boxed::<'a, DB>()
The return type of expr.is_not_null()
The return type of expr.is_null()
Represents the return type of .left_join(rhs)
Represents the return type of .left_join(rhs.on(on))
A query source representing the left outer join between two tables. For example, for the left join between three tables that implement JoinTo: LeftJoinQuerySource<LeftJoinQuerySource<table1, table2>, table3> Which conveniently lets you omit the exact join condition.
The return type of
Represents the return type of .limit()
The return type of
The return type of lhs.le(rhs)
The return type of lhs.ne_all(rhs)
Represents the return type of .no_wait()
The return type of
The return type of lhs.not_like(rhs)
The return type of expr.nullable()
Represents the return type of .nullable()
Represents the return type of .offset()
Represents the return type of rhs.on(on)
The return type of lhs.or(rhs)
Represents the return type of .or_filter(predicate)
Represents the return type of .order(ordering)
Represents the return type of .select(selection)
Represents the return type of .single_value()
Represents the return type of .skip_locked()
The SQL type of an expression
Represents the return type of .then_order_by(ordering)
Represents the return type of .union(rhs)
Represents the return type of .union_all(rhs)
Represents the return type of update(lhs).set(rhs)
The return type of avg(expr)
The return type of count(expr)
The return type of count_star()
The return type of date(expr)
The return type of exists(expr)
The return type of max(expr)
The return type of min(expr)
The return type of not(expr)
The return type of sum(expr)