Module diesel::prelude

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Re-exports important traits and types. Meant to be glob imported when using Diesel.



  • Allow two or more columns which are otherwise unrelated to be used together in a group by clause.
  • Allow two or more tables which are otherwise unrelated to be used together in a query.
  • Allow two tables to be referenced in a join query without providing an explicit ON clause.
  • Declare a sql function for use in your code.
  • Specifies that a table exists, and what columns it has. This will create a new public module, with the same name, as the name of the table. In this module, you will find a unit struct named table, and a unit struct with the name of each column.



  • Indicates that all elements of an expression are valid given a from clause.
  • Types which can be passed to update.set.
  • Constructs a query that finds record(s) based on directional association with other record(s).
  • Methods present on boolean expressions
  • Helper trait used when boxing expressions.
  • A column on a database table. Types which implement this trait should have been generated by the table! macro.
  • Extension trait to combine queries using a combinator like UNION, INTERSECT or EXPECT with or without ALL rule for duplicates
  • A connection to a database
  • Interface to add information to conflict targets. Designed to be open for further additions to conflict targets like constraints
  • Adds the escape method to LIKE and NOT LIKE. This is used to specify the escape character for the pattern.
  • Represents a typed fragment of SQL.
  • Methods present on all expressions, except tuples
  • The grouped_by function groups records by their parent.
  • This trait indicates that a struct represents a single row in a database table.
  • Represents that a structure can be used to insert a new row into the database. This is automatically implemented for &[T] and &Vec<T> for inserting more than one record.
  • Converts a type to its representation for use in Diesel’s query builder.
  • Specify the ON clause for a join statement. This will override any implicit ON clause that would come from joinable!
  • Indicates that two tables can be joined without an explicit ON clause.
  • Methods present on all expressions
  • Methods used to construct select statements.
  • Represents a type which can appear in the FROM clause. Apps should not need to concern themselves with this trait.
  • Trait indicating that a record can be queried from the database.
  • Deserializes the result of a query constructed with sql_query.
  • Methods used to execute queries.
  • Sugar for types which implement both AsChangeset and Identifiable
  • Trait indicating that a record can be selected and queried from the database.
  • Indicates that an expression can be selected from a source.
  • This helper trait provides several methods for constructing a select or returning clause based on a Selectable implementation.
  • A SQL database table. Types which implement this trait should have been generated by the table! macro.
  • Methods present on text expressions

Type Definitions

Derive Macros

  • Implements AsChangeset
  • Implement required traits for the associations API
  • Implements Identifiable for references of the current type
  • Implements Insertable
  • Implements Queryable to load the result of statically typed queries
  • Implements QueryableByName for untyped sql queries, such as that one generated by sql_query
  • Implements Selectable