Module gotham::router::route::matcher

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Defines the type RouteMatcher and default implementations.


  • A RouteMatcher that succeeds when the Request has been made with an Accept header that includes one or more supported media types. A missing Accept header, or the value of */* will also positvely match. It supports the quality weighted syntax, but does not take the quality into consideration when matching.
  • A route matcher that checks whether the value of the Access-Control-Request-Method header matches the defined value.
  • Allows multiple RouteMatcher values to be combined when accessing a request.
  • Matches any request without restriction (i.e. will accept any request which has already matched the path to the current route). For example, this matcher is used when delegating a path prefix to another router.
  • A RouteMatcher that succeeds when the Request has been made with a Content-Type header that includes a supported media type. The matcher will fail if the Content-Type header is missing, unless you call allow_no_type on it.
  • A RouteMatcher that succeeds when the Request has been made with an accepted HTTP request method.


  • Allow various types to represent themselves as a RouteMatcher
  • Determines if conditions required for the associated Route to be invoked by the Router have been met.