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//! TCP/UDP/Unix bindings for `tokio`.
//! This module contains the TCP/UDP/Unix networking types, similar to the standard
//! library, which can be used to implement networking protocols.
//! # Organization
//! * [`TcpListener`] and [`TcpStream`] provide functionality for communication over TCP
//! * [`UdpSocket`] and [`UdpFramed`] provide functionality for communication over UDP
//! * [`UnixListener`] and [`UnixStream`] provide functionality for communication over a
//! Unix Domain Stream Socket **(available on Unix only)**
//! * [`UnixDatagram`] and [`UnixDatagramFramed`] provide functionality for communication
//! over Unix Domain Datagram Socket **(available on Unix only)**
//! [`TcpListener`]: struct.TcpListener.html
//! [`TcpStream`]: struct.TcpStream.html
//! [`UdpSocket`]: struct.UdpSocket.html
//! [`UdpFramed`]: struct.UdpFramed.html
//! [`UnixListener`]: struct.UnixListener.html
//! [`UnixStream`]: struct.UnixStream.html
//! [`UnixDatagram`]: struct.UnixDatagram.html
//! [`UnixDatagramFramed`]: struct.UnixDatagramFramed.html
#[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
pub mod tcp {
//! TCP bindings for `tokio`.
//! Connecting to an address, via TCP, can be done using [`TcpStream`]'s
//! [`connect`] method, which returns [`ConnectFuture`]. `ConnectFuture`
//! implements a future which returns a `TcpStream`.
//! To listen on an address [`TcpListener`] can be used. `TcpListener`'s
//! [`incoming`][incoming_method] method can be used to accept new connections.
//! It return the [`Incoming`] struct, which implements a stream which returns
//! `TcpStream`s.
//! [`TcpStream`]: struct.TcpStream.html
//! [`connect`]: struct.TcpStream.html#method.connect
//! [`ConnectFuture`]: struct.ConnectFuture.html
//! [`TcpListener`]: struct.TcpListener.html
//! [incoming_method]: struct.TcpListener.html#method.incoming
//! [`Incoming`]: struct.Incoming.html
pub use tokio_tcp::{ConnectFuture, Incoming, TcpListener, TcpStream};
#[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
pub use self::tcp::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
#[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
#[deprecated(note = "use `tokio::net::tcp::ConnectFuture` instead")]
pub type ConnectFuture = self::tcp::ConnectFuture;
#[cfg(feature = "tcp")]
#[deprecated(note = "use `tokio::net::tcp::Incoming` instead")]
pub type Incoming = self::tcp::Incoming;
#[cfg(feature = "udp")]
pub mod udp {
//! UDP bindings for `tokio`.
//! The main struct for UDP is the [`UdpSocket`], which represents a UDP socket.
//! Reading and writing to it can be done using futures, which return the
//! [`RecvDgram`] and [`SendDgram`] structs respectively.
//! For convenience it's also possible to convert raw datagrams into higher-level
//! frames.
//! [`UdpSocket`]: struct.UdpSocket.html
//! [`RecvDgram`]: struct.RecvDgram.html
//! [`SendDgram`]: struct.SendDgram.html
//! [`UdpFramed`]: struct.UdpFramed.html
//! [`framed`]: struct.UdpSocket.html#method.framed
pub use tokio_udp::{RecvDgram, SendDgram, UdpFramed, UdpSocket};
#[cfg(feature = "udp")]
pub use self::udp::{UdpFramed, UdpSocket};
#[cfg(feature = "udp")]
#[deprecated(note = "use `tokio::net::udp::RecvDgram` instead")]
pub type RecvDgram<T> = self::udp::RecvDgram<T>;
#[cfg(feature = "udp")]
#[deprecated(note = "use `tokio::net::udp::SendDgram` instead")]
pub type SendDgram<T> = self::udp::SendDgram<T>;
#[cfg(all(unix, feature = "uds"))]
pub mod unix {
//! Unix domain socket bindings for `tokio` (only available on unix systems).
pub use tokio_uds::{
ConnectFuture, Incoming, RecvDgram, SendDgram, UCred, UnixDatagram, UnixDatagramFramed,
UnixListener, UnixStream,
#[cfg(all(unix, feature = "uds"))]
pub use self::unix::{UnixDatagram, UnixDatagramFramed, UnixListener, UnixStream};