Crate clap

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Allows you to build the App instance from your Cargo.toml at compile time.

Build App, Arg and Group with Usage-string like input but without the associated parsing runtime cost.

Allows you to pull the authors for the app from your Cargo.toml at compile time in the form: "author1 lastname <>:author2 lastname <>"

Allows you to pull the description from your Cargo.toml at compile time.

Allows you to pull the name from your Cargo.toml at compile time.

Allows you to pull the version from your Cargo.toml at compile time as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH_PKGVERSION_PRE


Represents a command line interface which is made up of all possible command line arguments and subcommands. Interface arguments and settings are configured using the “builder pattern.” Once all configuration is complete, the App::get_matches family of methods starts the runtime-parsing process. These methods then return information about the user supplied arguments (or lack thereof).

The abstract representation of a command line argument. Used to set all the options and relationships that define a valid argument for the program.

ArgGroups are a family of related arguments and way for you to express, “Any of these arguments”. By placing arguments in a logical group, you can create easier requirement and exclusion rules instead of having to list each argument individually, or when you want a rule to apply “any but not all” arguments.

Used to get information about the arguments that were supplied to the program at runtime by the user. New instances of this struct are obtained by using the App::get_matches family of methods.

Command Line Argument Parser Error

An iterator for getting multiple indices out of an argument via the ArgMatches::indices_of method.

An iterator for getting multiple values out of an argument via the ArgMatches::values_of_os method. Usage of this iterator allows values which contain invalid UTF-8 code points unlike Values.

An iterator for getting multiple values out of an argument via the ArgMatches::values_of method.


Application level settings, which affect how App operates

Various settings that apply to arguments and may be set, unset, and checked via getter/setter methods Arg::setting, Arg::unset_setting, and Arg::is_set. This is what the Arg methods which accept a bool use internally.

Command line argument parser kind of error

Provides hints about argument types for shell command completion.


@TODO @release @docs

The primary one-stop-shop trait used to create an instance of a clap App, conduct the parsing, and turn the resulting ArgMatches back into concrete instance of the user struct.

Converts an instance of ArgMatches to a consumer defined struct.

Build an App according to the struct

@TODO @release @docs

Type Definitions

Short hand for Result type