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Gotham – A flexible web framework that promotes stability, safety, security and speed.
You can find out more about Gotham, including where to get help, at https://gotham.rs.
We look forward to welcoming you into the Gotham community!
Extracts request data into type-safe structs using Serde.
Defines types for handlers, the primary building block of a Gotham application.
Helpers, e.g. for HTTP request handling and response generation
Defines types for Middleware
, a reusable unit of logic that can apply to a group of requests
by being added to the Pipeline
in a Router
Defines types for a middleware pipeline
Functions for creating a Gotham service using HTTP.
A collection of useful traits and macros that should always be imported.
Defines the Gotham Router
and supporting types.
Defines the GothamService
type which is used to wrap a Gotham application and interface with
Defines types for passing request state through Middleware
and Handler
The error that can occur when starting the gotham server.
Returns a Future
used to spawn a Gotham application.