pub trait LoadConnection<B = DefaultLoadingMode>: Connection {
    type Cursor<'conn, 'query>: Iterator<Item = QueryResult<<Self as LoadConnection<B>>::Row<'conn, 'query>>>
       where Self: 'conn;
    type Row<'conn, 'query>: Row<'conn, Self::Backend>
       where Self: 'conn;
Expand description

The specific part of a Connection which actually loads data from the database

This is a separate trait to allow connection implementations to specify different loading modes via the generic parameter.

Required Associated Types§


type Cursor<'conn, 'query>: Iterator<Item = QueryResult<<Self as LoadConnection<B>>::Row<'conn, 'query>>> where Self: 'conn

The cursor type returned by LoadConnection::load

Users should handle this as opaque type that implements Iterator


type Row<'conn, 'query>: Row<'conn, Self::Backend> where Self: 'conn

The row type used as Iterator::Item for the iterator implementation of LoadConnection::Cursor



impl<B, M> LoadConnection<B> for PooledConnection<M>where M: ManageConnection, M::Connection: LoadConnection<B> + R2D2Connection,


type Cursor<'conn, 'query> = <<M as ManageConnection>::Connection as LoadConnection<B>>::Cursor<'conn, 'query>


type Row<'conn, 'query> = <<M as ManageConnection>::Connection as LoadConnection<B>>::Row<'conn, 'query>