Expand description
Library for talking to InfluxDB
This library is a work in progress. Although we’ve been using it in production at OpenVelo, we’re prioritized features that fit our use cases. This means a feature you might need is not implemented yet or could be handled better.
Pull requests are always welcome.
Currently Supported Features
- Reading and Writing to InfluxDB
- Optional Serde Support for Deserialization
Planned Features
- Running multiple queries in one request (e.g.
SELECT * FROM weather_berlin; SELECT * FROM weather_london
) - Read Query Builder instead of supplying raw queries
- Authentication against InfluxDB
- Methods for setting time and time precision in a query
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
influxdb = "0.0.1"
For an example with using Serde deserialization, please refer to serde_integration
use influxdb::query::{InfluxDbQuery, Timestamp};
use influxdb::client::InfluxDbClient;
use serde::Deserialize;
use tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime;
// Create a InfluxDbClient with URL `http://localhost:8086`
// and database name `test`
let client = InfluxDbClient::new("http://localhost:8086", "test");
// Let's write something to InfluxDB. First we're creating a
// InfluxDbWriteQuery to write some data.
// This creates a query which writes a new measurement into a series called `weather`
let write_query = InfluxDbQuery::write_query(Timestamp::NOW, "weather")
.add_field("temperature", 82);
// Since this library is async by default, we're going to need a Runtime,
// which can asynchonously run our query.
// The [tokio](https://crates.io/crates/tokio) crate lets us easily create a new Runtime.
let mut rt = Runtime::new().expect("Unable to create a runtime");
// To actually submit the data to InfluxDB, the `block_on` method can be used to
// halt execution of our program until it has been completed.
let write_result = rt.block_on(client.query(&write_query));
assert!(write_result.is_ok(), "Write result was not okay");
// Reading data is as simple as writing. First we need to create a query
let read_query = InfluxDbQuery::raw_read_query("SELECT * FROM weather");
// Again, we're blocking until the request is done
let read_result = rt.block_on(client.query(&read_query));
assert!(read_result.is_ok(), "Read result was not ok");
// We can be sure the result was successful, so we can unwrap the result to get
// the response String from InfluxDB
println!("{}", read_result.unwrap());
For further examples, check out the Integration Tests in tests/integration_tests.rs
in the repository.
Client which can read and write data from InfluxDB.
Errors that might happen in the crate
Used to create queries of type InfluxDbReadQuery
which can be executed in InfluxDB