pub trait Source {
Show 18 methods fn source_id(&self) -> SourceId; fn supports_checksums(&self) -> bool; fn requires_precise(&self) -> bool; fn query(
        &mut self,
        dep: &Dependency,
        f: &mut dyn FnMut(Summary)
    ) -> Poll<CargoResult<()>>; fn fuzzy_query(
        &mut self,
        dep: &Dependency,
        f: &mut dyn FnMut(Summary)
    ) -> Poll<CargoResult<()>>; fn invalidate_cache(&mut self); fn download(&mut self, package: PackageId) -> CargoResult<MaybePackage>; fn finish_download(
        &mut self,
        package: PackageId,
        contents: Vec<u8>
    ) -> CargoResult<Package>; fn fingerprint(&self, pkg: &Package) -> CargoResult<String>; fn describe(&self) -> String; fn add_to_yanked_whitelist(&mut self, pkgs: &[PackageId]); fn is_yanked(&mut self, _pkg: PackageId) -> CargoResult<bool>; fn block_until_ready(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()>; fn replaced_source_id(&self) -> SourceId { ... } fn query_vec(&mut self, dep: &Dependency) -> Poll<CargoResult<Vec<Summary>>> { ... } fn download_now(
        self: Box<Self>,
        package: PackageId,
        config: &Config
    ) -> CargoResult<Package>
        Self: Sized
, { ... } fn verify(&self, _pkg: PackageId) -> CargoResult<()> { ... } fn is_replaced(&self) -> bool { ... }
Expand description

Something that finds and downloads remote packages based on names and versions.

Required Methods

Returns the SourceId corresponding to this source.

Returns whether or not this source will return summaries with checksums listed.

Returns whether or not this source will return summaries with the precise field in the source id listed.

Attempts to find the packages that match a dependency request.

Attempts to find the packages that are close to a dependency request. Each source gets to define what close means for it. Path/Git sources may return all dependencies that are at that URI, whereas an Index source may return dependencies that have the same canonicalization.

Ensure that the source is fully up-to-date for the current session on the next query.

Fetches the full package for each name and version specified.

Generates a unique string which represents the fingerprint of the current state of the source.

This fingerprint is used to determine the “fresheness” of the source later on. It must be guaranteed that the fingerprint of a source is constant if and only if the output product will remain constant.

The pkg argument is the package which this fingerprint should only be interested in for when this source may contain multiple packages.

Describes this source in a human readable fashion, used for display in resolver error messages currently.

Add a number of crates that should be whitelisted for showing up during queries, even if they are yanked. Currently only applies to registry sources.

Query if a package is yanked. Only registry sources can mark packages as yanked. This ignores the yanked whitelist.

Block until all outstanding Poll::Pending requests are Poll::Ready.

After calling this function, the source should return Poll::Ready for any queries that previously returned Poll::Pending.

If no queries previously returned Poll::Pending, and invalidate_cache was not called, this function should be a no-op.

Provided Methods

Returns the replaced SourceId corresponding to this source.

If this source supports it, verifies the source of the package specified.

Note that the source may also have performed other checksum-based verification during the download step, but this is intended to be run just before a crate is compiled so it may perform more expensive checks which may not be cacheable.

Returns whether a source is being replaced by another here.

Implementations on Foreign Types

Forwards to Source::source_id.

Forwards to Source::replaced_source_id.

Forwards to Source::supports_checksums.

Forwards to Source::requires_precise.

Forwards to Source::query.

Forwards to Source::query.

Forwards to Source::download.

Forwards to Source::fingerprint.

Forwards to Source::verify.
