use super::*;
pub type Ignored<P, O> = To<P, O, ()>;
pub type IgnoreThen<A, B, O, U> = Map<Then<A, B>, fn((O, U)) -> U, (O, U)>;
pub type ThenIgnore<A, B, O, U> = Map<Then<A, B>, fn((O, U)) -> O, (O, U)>;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Or<A, B>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) B);
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, B: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, O>
for Or<A, B>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
let pre_state =;
let a_res = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
let a_state =;
if a_res.0.is_empty() {
if let (a_errors, Ok(a_out)) = a_res {
return (a_errors, Ok(a_out));
let b_res = debugger.invoke(&self.1, stream);
let b_state =;
if b_res.0.is_empty() {
if let (b_errors, Ok(b_out)) = b_res {
return (b_errors, Ok(b_out));
fn choose_between<I: Clone, O, E: Error<I>>(
a_res: PResult<I, O, E>,
a_state: usize,
b_res: PResult<I, O, E>,
b_state: usize,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
fn zip_with<A, B, R, F: FnOnce(A, B) -> R>(
a: Option<A>,
b: Option<B>,
f: F,
) -> Option<R> {
match (a, b) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => Some(f(a, b)),
_ => None,
let is_a = match (&a_res, &b_res) {
((a_errors, Ok(a_out)), (b_errors, Ok(b_out))) => {
match a_errors.len().cmp(&b_errors.len()) {
Ordering::Greater => false,
Ordering::Less => true,
Ordering::Equal => {
match zip_with(a_errors.last(), b_errors.last(), |a, b|
Some(Ordering::Greater) => true,
Some(Ordering::Less) => false,
_ => match zip_with(a_out.1.as_ref(), b_out.1.as_ref(), |a, b| {
}) {
Some(Ordering::Greater) => true,
Some(Ordering::Less) => false,
_ => true,
((_a_errors, Ok(_)), (_b_errors, Err(_))) => true,
((_a_errors, Err(_)), (_b_errors, Ok(_))) => false,
((a_errors, Err(a_err)), (b_errors, Err(b_err))) => match {
Ordering::Greater => true,
Ordering::Less => false,
Ordering::Equal => match a_errors.len().cmp(&b_errors.len()) {
Ordering::Greater => false,
Ordering::Less => true,
Ordering::Equal => {
match zip_with(a_errors.last(), b_errors.last(), |a, b|
Some(Ordering::Greater) => true,
Some(Ordering::Less) => false,
_ => {
return (
if is_a {
a_res.0,|(out, alt)| {
merge_alts(alt,|(_, alt)| alt).unwrap_or_else(Some)),
} else {
b_res.0,|(out, alt)| {
merge_alts(alt,|(_, alt)| alt).unwrap_or_else(Some)),
choose_between(a_res, a_state, b_res, b_state, stream)
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct OrNot<A>(pub(crate) A);
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, Option<O>> for OrNot<A> {
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, Option<O>, E> {
match stream.try_parse(|stream| {
debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream)
}) {
(errors, Ok((out, alt))) => (errors, Ok((Some(out), alt))),
(_, Err(err)) => (Vec::new(), Ok((None, Some(err)))),
fn parse_inner_verbose(
d: &mut Verbose,
s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, Option<O>, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(
d: &mut Silent,
s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, Option<O>, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct Not<A, O>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) PhantomData<O>);
impl<A: Copy, O> Copy for Not<A, O> {}
impl<A: Clone, O> Clone for Not<A, O> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0.clone(), PhantomData)
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, I> for Not<A, O> {
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, I, E> {
let before =;
match stream.try_parse(|stream| {
debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream)
}) {
(_, Ok(_)) => {
let (at, span, found) =;
E::expected_input_found(span, Vec::new(), found),
(_, Err(_)) => {
let (at, span, found) =;
if let Some(found) = found {
Ok((found, None))
} else {
E::expected_input_found(span, Vec::new(), None),
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, I, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, I, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Then<A, B>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) B);
impl<I: Clone, O, U, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, B: Parser<I, U, Error = E>, E: Error<I>>
Parser<I, (O, U)> for Then<A, B>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, (O, U), E> {
match {
debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream)
} {
(mut a_errors, Ok((a_out, a_alt))) => match {
debugger.invoke(&self.1, stream)
} {
(mut b_errors, Ok((b_out, b_alt))) => {
a_errors.append(&mut b_errors);
(a_errors, Ok(((a_out, b_out), merge_alts(a_alt, b_alt))))
(mut b_errors, Err(b_err)) => {
a_errors.append(&mut b_errors);
(a_errors, Err(b_err.max(a_alt)))
(a_errors, Err(a_err)) => (a_errors, Err(a_err)),
fn parse_inner_verbose(
d: &mut Verbose,
s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, (O, U), E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, (O, U), E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct ThenWith<I, O1, O2, A, B, F>(
pub(crate) A,
pub(crate) F,
pub(crate) PhantomData<(I, O1, O2, B)>,
impl<I, O1, O2, A: Clone, B, F: Clone> Clone for ThenWith<I, O1, O2, A, B, F> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
ThenWith(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone(), PhantomData)
impl<I, O1, O2, A: Copy, B, F: Copy> Copy for ThenWith<I, O1, O2, A, B, F> {}
I: Clone,
A: Parser<I, O1, Error = E>,
B: Parser<I, O2, Error = E>,
F: Fn(O1) -> B,
E: Error<I>,
> Parser<I, O2> for ThenWith<I, O1, O2, A, B, F>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O2, E> {
let state =;
match {
debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream)
} {
(mut first_errs, Ok((first_out, first_alt))) => {
let second_out = self.1(first_out);
match {
debugger.invoke(&second_out, stream)
} {
(second_errs, Ok((second_out, second_alt))) => {
(first_errs, Ok((second_out, first_alt.or(second_alt))))
(second_errs, Err(e)) => {
(first_errs, Err(e))
(errs, Err(e)) => {
(errs, Err(e))
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O2, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O2, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct DelimitedBy<A, L, R, U, V> {
pub(crate) item: A,
pub(crate) start: L,
pub(crate) end: R,
pub(crate) phantom: PhantomData<(U, V)>,
I: Clone,
A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>,
L: Parser<I, U, Error = E> + Clone,
R: Parser<I, V, Error = E> + Clone,
E: Error<I>,
> Parser<I, O> for DelimitedBy<A, L, R, U, V>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(
(errors, res)
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Repeated<A>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) usize, pub(crate) Option<usize>);
impl<A> Repeated<A> {
pub fn at_least(mut self, min: usize) -> Self {
self.1 = min;
pub fn at_most(mut self, max: usize) -> Self {
self.2 = Some(max);
pub fn exactly(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
self.1 = n;
self.2 = Some(n);
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, Vec<O>> for Repeated<A> {
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, Vec<O>, E> {
let mut errors = Vec::new();
let mut outputs = Vec::new();
let mut alt = None;
let mut old_offset = None;
loop {
if self.2.map_or(false, |max| outputs.len() >= max) {
break (errors, Ok((outputs, alt)));
if let ControlFlow::Break(b) = stream.attempt(|stream| match { #[allow(deprecated)] debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream) } {
(mut a_errors, Ok((a_out, a_alt))) => {
errors.append(&mut a_errors);
alt = merge_alts(alt.take(), a_alt);
if old_offset == Some(stream.offset()) {
panic!("Repeated parser iteration succeeded but consumed no inputs (i.e: continuing \
iteration would likely lead to an infinite loop, if the parser is pure). This is \
likely indicative of a parser bug. Consider using a more specific error recovery \
} else {
old_offset = Some(stream.offset());
(true, ControlFlow::Continue(()))
(mut a_errors, Err(a_err)) if outputs.len() < self.1 => {
errors.append(&mut a_errors);
(true, ControlFlow::Break((
core::mem::take(&mut errors),
(a_errors, Err(a_err)) => {
let alt = merge_alts(
(false, ControlFlow::Break((
core::mem::take(&mut errors),
Ok((core::mem::take(&mut outputs), alt)),
}) {
break b;
fn parse_inner_verbose(
d: &mut Verbose,
s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, Vec<O>, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, Vec<O>, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct SeparatedBy<A, B, U> {
pub(crate) item: A,
pub(crate) delimiter: B,
pub(crate) at_least: usize,
pub(crate) at_most: Option<usize>,
pub(crate) allow_leading: bool,
pub(crate) allow_trailing: bool,
pub(crate) phantom: PhantomData<U>,
impl<A, B, U> SeparatedBy<A, B, U> {
pub fn allow_leading(mut self) -> Self {
self.allow_leading = true;
pub fn allow_trailing(mut self) -> Self {
self.allow_trailing = true;
pub fn at_least(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
self.at_least = n;
pub fn at_most(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
self.at_most = Some(n);
pub fn exactly(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
self.at_least = n;
self.at_most = Some(n);
impl<A: Copy, B: Copy, U> Copy for SeparatedBy<A, B, U> {}
impl<A: Clone, B: Clone, U> Clone for SeparatedBy<A, B, U> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
item: self.item.clone(),
delimiter: self.delimiter.clone(),
at_least: self.at_least,
at_most: self.at_most,
allow_leading: self.allow_leading,
allow_trailing: self.allow_trailing,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<I: Clone, O, U, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, B: Parser<I, U, Error = E>, E: Error<I>>
Parser<I, Vec<O>> for SeparatedBy<A, B, U>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, Vec<O>, E> {
if let Some(at_most) = self.at_most {
self.at_least <= at_most,
"SeparatedBy cannot parse at least {} and at most {}",
enum State<I, E> {
Terminated(Located<I, E>),
fn parse_or_not<U, B: Parser<I, U, Error = E>, I: Clone, E: Error<I>, D: Debugger>(
delimiter: &B,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
debugger: &mut D,
alt: Option<Located<I, E>>,
) -> Option<Located<I, E>> {
match stream.try_parse(|stream| {
debugger.invoke(&delimiter, stream)
}) {
(d_errors, Ok((_, d_alt))) => merge_alts(alt, merge_alts(d_alt, d_errors)),
(d_errors, Err(d_err)) => merge_alts(alt, merge_alts(Some(d_err), d_errors)),
fn parse<O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, I: Clone, E: Error<I>, D: Debugger>(
item: &A,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
debugger: &mut D,
outputs: &mut Vec<O>,
errors: &mut Vec<Located<I, E>>,
alt: Option<Located<I, E>>,
) -> (State<I, E>, Option<Located<I, E>>) {
match stream.try_parse(|stream| {
debugger.invoke(item, stream)
}) {
(mut i_errors, Ok((i_out, i_alt))) => {
errors.append(&mut i_errors);
(State::Continue, merge_alts(alt, i_alt))
(mut i_errors, Err(i_err)) => {
errors.append(&mut i_errors);
(State::Terminated(i_err), alt)
let mut outputs = Vec::new();
let mut errors = Vec::new();
let mut alt = None;
if self.allow_leading {
alt = parse_or_not(&self.delimiter, stream, debugger, alt);
let (mut state, mut alt) =
parse(&self.item, stream, debugger, &mut outputs, &mut errors, alt);
let mut offset =;
let error: Option<Located<I, E>>;
loop {
if let State::Terminated(err) = state {
error = Some(err);
offset =;
if self
.map_or(false, |at_most| outputs.len() >= at_most)
error = None;
match stream.try_parse(|stream| {
debugger.invoke(&self.delimiter, stream)
}) {
(mut d_errors, Ok((_, d_alt))) => {
errors.append(&mut d_errors);
alt = merge_alts(alt, d_alt);
let (i_state, i_alt) =
parse(&self.item, stream, debugger, &mut outputs, &mut errors, alt);
state = i_state;
alt = i_alt;
(mut d_errors, Err(d_err)) => {
errors.append(&mut d_errors);
state = State::Terminated(d_err);
if self.allow_trailing && !outputs.is_empty() {
alt = parse_or_not(&self.delimiter, stream, debugger, alt);
if outputs.len() >= self.at_least {
alt = merge_alts(alt, error);
(errors, Ok((outputs, alt)))
} else if let Some(error) = error {
(errors, Err(error))
} else {
(errors, Ok((outputs, alt)))
fn parse_inner_verbose(
d: &mut Verbose,
s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, Vec<O>, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, Vec<O>, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct Debug<A>(
pub(crate) A,
pub(crate) Rc<dyn fmt::Display>,
pub(crate) core::panic::Location<'static>,
impl<A: Clone> Clone for Debug<A> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone(), self.2)
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, O> for Debug<A> {
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
|| ParserInfo::new("Name", self.1.clone(), self.2),
|debugger| {
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
(errors, res)
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct Map<A, F, O>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) F, pub(crate) PhantomData<O>);
impl<A: Copy, F: Copy, O> Copy for Map<A, F, O> {}
impl<A: Clone, F: Clone, O> Clone for Map<A, F, O> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone(), PhantomData)
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, U, F: Fn(O) -> U, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, U>
for Map<A, F, O>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
(errors,|(out, alt)| ((&self.1)(out), alt)))
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct MapWithSpan<A, F, O>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) F, pub(crate) PhantomData<O>);
impl<A: Copy, F: Copy, O> Copy for MapWithSpan<A, F, O> {}
impl<A: Clone, F: Clone, O> Clone for MapWithSpan<A, F, O> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone(), PhantomData)
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, U, F: Fn(O, E::Span) -> U, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, U>
for MapWithSpan<A, F, O>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
let start =;
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
errors,|(out, alt)| ((self.1)(out, stream.span_since(start)), alt)),
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct Validate<A, U, F>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) F, pub(crate) PhantomData<U>);
impl<A: Copy, U, F: Copy> Copy for Validate<A, U, F> {}
impl<A: Clone, U, F: Clone> Clone for Validate<A, U, F> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone(), PhantomData)
I: Clone,
A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>,
F: Fn(O, E::Span, &mut dyn FnMut(E)) -> U,
E: Error<I>,
> Parser<I, U> for Validate<A, O, F>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
let start =;
let (mut errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
let pos =;
let span = stream.span_since(start);
let res =|(out, alt)| {
(&self.1)(out, span, &mut |e| errors.push(Located::at(pos, e))),
(errors, res)
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct Foldl<A, F, O, U>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) F, pub(crate) PhantomData<(O, U)>);
impl<A: Copy, F: Copy, O, U> Copy for Foldl<A, F, O, U> {}
impl<A: Clone, F: Clone, O, U> Clone for Foldl<A, F, O, U> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone(), PhantomData)
I: Clone,
A: Parser<I, (O, U), Error = E>,
U: IntoIterator,
F: Fn(O, U::Item) -> O,
E: Error<I>,
> Parser<I, O> for Foldl<A, F, O, U>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
&(&self.0).map(|(head, tail)| tail.into_iter().fold(head, &self.1)),
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct Foldr<A, F, O, U>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) F, pub(crate) PhantomData<(O, U)>);
impl<A: Copy, F: Copy, O, U> Copy for Foldr<A, F, O, U> {}
impl<A: Clone, F: Clone, O, U> Clone for Foldr<A, F, O, U> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone(), PhantomData)
I: Clone,
O: IntoIterator,
A: Parser<I, (O, U), Error = E>,
F: Fn(O::Item, U) -> U,
E: Error<I>,
> Parser<I, U> for Foldr<A, F, O, U>
O::IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator,
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
&(&self.0).map(|(init, end)| init.into_iter().rev().fold(end, |b, a| (&self.1)(a, b))),
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MapErr<A, F>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) F);
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, F: Fn(E) -> E, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, O>
for MapErr<A, F>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
let mapper = |e: Located<I, E>|;
errors, res .map_err(mapper),
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MapErrWithSpan<A, F>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) F);
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, F: Fn(E, E::Span) -> E, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, O>
for MapErrWithSpan<A, F>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
let start =;
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
let mapper = |e: Located<I, E>| {
let at =;|e| {
let span = stream.attempt(|stream| {
(false, stream.span_since(start))
(self.1)(e, span)
(errors, res.map_err(mapper))
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct TryMap<A, F, O>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) F, pub(crate) PhantomData<O>);
impl<A: Copy, F: Copy, O> Copy for TryMap<A, F, O> {}
impl<A: Clone, F: Clone, O> Clone for TryMap<A, F, O> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone(), PhantomData)
I: Clone,
A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>,
F: Fn(O, E::Span) -> Result<U, E>,
E: Error<I>,
> Parser<I, U> for TryMap<A, F, O>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
let start =;
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
let res = match|(out, alt)| ((&self.1)(out, stream.span_since(start)), alt)) {
Ok((Ok(out), alt)) => Ok((out, alt)),
Ok((Err(a_err), _)) => Err(Located::at(, a_err)),
Err(err) => Err(err),
(errors, res)
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct OrElse<A, F>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) F);
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, F: Fn(E) -> Result<O, E>, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, O>
for OrElse<A, F>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
let start =;
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
let res = match res {
Ok(out) => Ok(out),
Err(err) => match (&self.1)(err.error) {
Err(e) => Err(Located {
error: e,
phantom: PhantomData,
Ok(out) => {
Ok((out, None))
(errors, res)
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Label<A, L>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) L);
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, L: Into<E::Label> + Clone, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, O>
for Label<A, L>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream);
let res = res
.map(|(o, alt)| {
o,|l||e| e.with_label(self.1.clone().into()))),
.map_err(|e| {|e| e.with_label(self.1.clone().into()))
.map(|e||e| e.with_label(self.1.clone().into())))
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct To<A, O, U>(pub(crate) A, pub(crate) U, pub(crate) PhantomData<O>);
impl<A: Copy, U: Copy, O> Copy for To<A, O, U> {}
impl<A: Clone, U: Clone, O> Clone for To<A, O, U> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0.clone(), self.1.clone(), PhantomData)
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>, U: Clone, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, U> for To<A, O, U> {
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
debugger.invoke(&(&self.0).map(|_| self.1.clone()), stream)
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, U, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Rewind<A>(pub(crate) A);
impl<I: Clone, O, E: Error<I>, A> Parser<I, O> for Rewind<A>
A: Parser<I, O, Error = E>,
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, Self::Error>,
) -> PResult<I, O, Self::Error>
Self: Sized,
let rewind_from =;
match {
debugger.invoke(&self.0, stream)
} {
(errors, Ok((out, alt))) => {
(errors, Ok((out, alt)))
(errors, Err(err)) => (errors, Err(err)),
fn parse_inner_verbose(
d: &mut Verbose,
s: &mut StreamOf<I, Self::Error>,
) -> PResult<I, O, Self::Error> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(
d: &mut Silent,
s: &mut StreamOf<I, Self::Error>,
) -> PResult<I, O, Self::Error> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
pub struct Unwrapped<A, U, E>(
pub(crate) &'static Location<'static>,
pub(crate) A,
pub(crate) PhantomData<(U, E)>,
impl<A: Clone, U, E> Clone for Unwrapped<A, U, E> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Unwrapped(self.0, self.1.clone(), PhantomData)
impl<A: Copy, U, E> Copy for Unwrapped<A, U, E> {}
impl<I: Clone, O, A: Parser<I, Result<O, U>, Error = E>, U: fmt::Debug, E: Error<I>> Parser<I, O>
for Unwrapped<A, U, E>
type Error = E;
fn parse_inner<D: Debugger>(
debugger: &mut D,
stream: &mut StreamOf<I, E>,
) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
let (errors, res) = debugger.invoke(&self.1, stream);
errors,|(out, alt)| {
out.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"Parser defined at {} failed to unwrap. Error: {:?}",
self.0, err
fn parse_inner_verbose(&self, d: &mut Verbose, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
fn parse_inner_silent(&self, d: &mut Silent, s: &mut StreamOf<I, E>) -> PResult<I, O, E> {
self.parse_inner(d, s)
mod tests {
use alloc::vec;
use error::Simple;
use text::TextParser;
use super::*;
fn delimited_by_complex() {
let parser = just::<_, _, Simple<char>>('-')
.delimited_by(text::ident().padded(), text::int(10).padded())
parser.parse("one - 1,two - 2,three - 3"),
Ok(vec!['-', '-', '-'])
fn separated_by_at_least() {
let parser = just::<_, _, Simple<char>>('-')
assert_eq!(parser.parse("-,-,-"), Ok(vec!['-', '-', '-']));
fn separated_by_at_least_without_leading() {
let parser = just::<_, _, Simple<char>>('-')
fn separated_by_at_least_without_trailing() {
let parser = just::<_, _, Simple<char>>('-')
fn separated_by_at_least_with_leading() {
let parser = just::<_, _, Simple<char>>('-')
assert_eq!(parser.parse(",-,-,-"), Ok(vec!['-', '-', '-']));
fn separated_by_at_least_with_trailing() {
let parser = just::<_, _, Simple<char>>('-')
assert_eq!(parser.parse("-,-,-,"), Ok(vec!['-', '-', '-']));
fn separated_by_leaves_last_separator() {
let parser = just::<_, _, Simple<char>>('-')
assert_eq!(parser.parse("-,-,-,"), Ok(vec!['-', '-', '-', ',']))